»Weil deine Freiheit mit meiner verbunden ist« – Kontakte zur Solidaritätsarbeit
Austria: Border Crossing Spielfeld
“Supporting Refugees at Austrian Borders and Beyond”
Austria: Stop Deportations Vienna
“A group of activists from different anti-racist contexts, who came together in order to act collectively and effectively against deportations and to interfere in the racist discourse.”
Bosnia/Serbia/Greece: No Name Kitchen
“No Name Kitchen is a group of independent people whose project is based on the idea of covering one of the most basic and universal needs: food.“
Bulgaria: Bordermonitoring Bulgaria
“Since 2011 Bordermonitoring Bulgaria is monitoring the implementation of social and human rights of refugees and other vulnerable migrants in the Border region of the European Union, especially Bulgaria.”
Croatia: Initiative Welcome
“Welcome” initiative gathers individuals and civil society organizations with the aim to support refugees on the ground, but also to make political pressure on the Croatian and EU institutions to change restrictive migration policies.“
Croatia: Are You Syrious?
“NGO dedicated to helping the refugees and humanitarian work”
Europe: Welcome 2 Europe
“Independent information for refugees and migrants coming to Europe”
Europe: bordermonitoring.eu
“The focus of the association’s work is on the debate about the politics, practices and events surrounding the European border regime and about migration movements. To this end the association combines scientific research, political commitment and critical relations activities with concrete support for refugees and migrants.”
Greece: City Plaza Athens
“Refugee Accommodation and Solidarity Space”
Greece: Musaferat
Greece: Clandestina Network
Hungary: Migszol
Mediterranean Sea: Watch the med – AlarmPhone
“Hotline for boatpeople in distress in the Mediterranean Sea.“
Morroco: No Borders Morroco
Northern Macedonia: Legis
“LEGIS is a humanitarian Non-Profit Civil Society Organization that provides necessary humanitarian aid and assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs, irregular and detained migrants and people in need.”
Sahara: Alarme Phone Sahara
“Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) is a cooperation project between associations, groups and individuals in the Sahel-Saharan region and Europe with the aim to defend the lives and the freedom of movement of migrants and refugees against repressive and often deadly migration policies.“
Serbia/Bosnia/Croatia/Slovenia: Border Violence Monitoring
“This website documents illegal push-backs and police violence inflicted by EU member state authorities.”
Serbia: Rigardu
“Political education and public relations work, border violence monitoring at EU borders and humanitarian projects for people on the run.”
Serbia: Fresh Response
“Fresh Response is an independent volunteer organisation providing humanitarian support to refugees and migrants, based in Subotica in northern Serbia since July 2016.”
Serbia: Infopark
“A refugee centre in Belgrade specialized in protection, information, communication and education services”
Slovenia: Ambasada Rog
“Ambasada Rog is a community center run by refugees and activists, squatters, artists, students and workers from all over the world, united in fighting bureaucratic barbed wire fences and helping each other to survive in an increasingly unfriendly Europe”
Slovenia: Push forward
“The purpose of the blog is to inform the interested public about violations of people’s rights on their way to Europe, as well as inform about the illegal and unethical police procedures. The information collected is authentic and is the result of cooperation between people who are traveling through the Balkan route with activist networks.”