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October 22, 2018

Good evening!

For 2 months, we have been distributing breakfast near the border in Menton 3 times a week, where migrants are forced into roofless shipping containers after being caught trying to pass the border.
Everyone from minors and pregnant woman to sick, handicapped, or elderly people are kept in the same container indiscriminately.
They are not supplied with food or water. Every night up to 50 people are kept in these conditions, many for 24 hours straight. 
After being released, everyone is forced to return to Ventimiglia, a 10 km walk through mountainous roads. We are giving water, tea, fruits, bread, jam, cookies and sometimes fish on the side of the road, a small gesture to help them continue their journeys.
We have reported cases of police brutality, as well as illegal refusing of the asylum process. But most importantly, we must raise awareness about this horrific treatment of other human beings.

Besides that we still cook almost every day for the people in Ventimiglia.

Never obey always resist!

Thanks for your support!