Mit freundlicher Genehmigung dürfen wir die Texte und Posts unserer Freund*innen von Kesha Niya ( hier veröffentlichen. Sie befinden sich kontinuierlich im Einsatz in Ventimiglia.
October 26, 2018
Good evening lovely people !
One and a half years ago we came to the french / italian border to cook for the people in Ventimiglia. When we arrived, a permaculture gardener offered to allow us to set up our kitchen on his land.
As time passed, we realized we wanted to stay in this area, settle and build a Kesha Niya homebase.
For us this meant that the two projects of permaculture and kitchen would continue to grow.
Therefore, we agreed to leave the farm so that the people living there can concentrate their energies on permaculture.
We are now searching for our own place that enables us to continue our work in Ventimiglia, providing dinner and breakfast as well as clothes, blankets, and other necessities.
As the border here becomes ever more troublesome, people are trying to cross the border more north. There are other groups and collectives, actively supporting and accomodating refugees. By sending volunteers and donations we try to support them as we can.
As we search for a sustainable place to continue our work, the fight continues into the winter months.
Love and peace! <3
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