NoBorder. NoProblem.

Netzwerk: Bewegungsfreiheit für alle! Xoriyadda dhaqdhaqaaqa qof walba! !حرية التنقل أوالحركة للجميع ናጻ ምንቅስቃስ ንኹሉ! ! جنبش آزادی برای همه

Kategorie: Kesha Niya

Kesha Niya, 26.10.18

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung dürfen wir die Texte und Posts unserer Freund*innen von Kesha Niya ( hier veröffentlichen. Sie befinden sich kontinuierlich im Einsatz in Ventimiglia. 

October 26, 2018

Good evening lovely people !

One and a half years ago we came to the french / italian border to cook for the people in Ventimiglia. When we arrived, a permaculture gardener offered to allow us to set up our kitchen on his land.
As time passed, we realized we wanted to stay in this area, settle and build a Kesha Niya homebase. 
For us this meant that the two projects of permaculture and kitchen would continue to grow.

Therefore, we agreed to leave the farm so that the people living there can concentrate their energies on permaculture.

We are now searching for our own place that enables us to continue our work in Ventimiglia, providing dinner and breakfast as well as clothes, blankets, and other necessities.

As the border here becomes ever more troublesome, people are trying to cross the border more north. There are other groups and collectives, actively supporting and accomodating refugees. By sending volunteers and donations we try to support them as we can.

As we search for a sustainable place to continue our work, the fight continues into the winter months.

Love and peace! <3

5. Januar 2018: New Years Eve

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung dürfen wir die Texte und Posts unserer Freund*innen von Kesha Niya ( hier veröffentlichen. Sie befinden sich kontinuierlich im Einsatz in Ventimiglia. 

January 5, 2018

Good morning lovely friends,

It’s already almost a week ago but we still wanted to share the awesome new years day and eve we had with each other and the people under the bridge in Ventimiglia. We had a lot of donations for this day, so we bought extra stuff to make delicious snacks besides of the normal food. We made houmous, baba ganoush, falafel, fresh orange juice, had a theater act and music. It was an awesome night which we all celebrated together with the people in Ventimiglia.
We want to thank everyone for the donations and support and for this matter special thanks to Jay!! Without you we would never have been able to organise all this.

Peace, love, solidarity and a rainbow unicorn for ever.

Kesha Niya

28. April 2018: One year Ventimiglia.

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung dürfen wir die Texte und Posts unserer Freund*innen von Kesha Niya ( hier veröffentlichen. Sie befinden sich kontinuierlich im Einsatz in Ventimiglia. 

April 28, 2018

We are now more then one year in the area of Ventimiglia (28.04.2018) and during this time everything changed a lot, we started with 300 bags containing hot meals, 200 sandwich bags, hot tea and water at two different places. We where cooking for Ramadan twice a day. During the summer we served food for around 500 people, we had a medical point what got stoped by the authorities and this winter the number decreased to 150!
Last week the unofficial camp under the bridge got evicted and destroyed by the officials and untill now the police is guarding the bridge and letting no one enter the bridge area. Open racism from the police at a public place. We don’t know for how long this will continue, we are still cooking and distributing for the people in Ventimiglia and we will continue!
Next week we will take part at the solidarity march from Ventimiglia to Calais, we will provide food at the 1st of may in Breil sur Roya and on the 2nd we will be in Sospel.

Love and Peace, your Kesha Niya Crew!

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